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Colin Moore headshot

Colin Moore

  • Major: Materials Science & Engineering
  • Company: Lanxess
  • Graduation Year: May 2022
  • E-mail:


Sevierville, TN

I joined Lanxess for a year-long co-op. They are a Germany-based chemical company; however, I was a part of the Memphis, TN branch that creates Oxone. I was responsible for assisting the mechanical engineer with reliability projects, maintenance plans, and equipment updating in SAP. I mostly interacted with the maintenance group, but I was also a part of the chemical engineering group, specifically, involving product testing.               

I decided to co-op because I thought it was an amazing opportunity to earn real work experience that would increase my real-world knowledge. My family were a main factor as they encouraged and assisted me every step of the way. Whether it was moving across the state or preparing for my interview, they were able to offer help, regardless of the trials.    

Proper reliability and maintenance procedures are the lifeblood of a chemical plant, and I was able to witness how they are integrated into a real example. When pieces of equipment fail, we have to find the root cause of the failure and engineer a facility that will prevent a repeat of the same failure. This allows us to limit unplanned downtime that is extremely costly to the company.        

This co-op has prepared me for working with many different colleagues, most of whom are not near my age or of a similar background. In school, you really only interact and work with people your age and of your background, so being able to work with this demographic really helped me understand how to interact properly and professionally. So overall, I’d say co-op is worth it! The experience you receive is extremely invaluable and impossible to replicate in a classroom!         

When I am not working or studying, you can often find me hanging out with my friends, fishing, cooking, watching hockey, or playing video games. My friends and I have done intramural frisbee since freshman year, and I hope to continue this tradition despite the vast majority of them graduating. I personally have had a passion for cooking since I was child and getting the chance to learn and create a new recipe that I can put my own spin on is always an exciting prospect.

Colin Moore headshot