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27th annual Engineering Cookout graphic

Engineering Cookout

Thursday, August 28, 2025
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Engineering Courtyard

The Engineering Cookout takes place at the beginning of each fall semester and is a great time for welcoming our engineering students to campus and encouraging them to consider participating in our engineering cooperative education and internship education programs. During the cookout, students have an opportunity to network with several companies and learn about the internships and co-op positions they have available.

All engineering students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the 2025 Engineering Cookout and enjoy a free BBQ lunch provided by company sponsors, networking opportunities, special guests, and prizes.

Photo Gallery

Female employer at Engineering Cookout speaking with a student

students walking around at the Engineering Cookout

Bowen company representative speaking with engineering students at a cookout

male and female student speaking with a company representative at the Engineering Cookout

Male and female KUB representatives speaking with male student

Mahle employee representative speaking with a male student at the Engineering Cookout

2024 participating sponsors include:

Companies interested in participating in future cookouts should contact our office at