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Blake Z posing with a Mercedes

What is the Co-op Program?

The Co-op Program combines classroom theory with practical work experience related to students’ academic studies and career goals. Students work full-time in paid positions in industry, business, or government. Co-ops provide students with multiple work rotations with an employer and may require the student to alternate terms of full-time academic coursework with terms of full-time engineering related employment. Work rotations may be consecutive or alternate with academic terms.

Key Points

  • Students gain experience in professional, structured settings with increasing levels of responsibility.
  • Evaluation and reporting systems track student progress for employers, students, and the university.
  • Companies benefit by selecting and training students who can contribute significantly to their organizations.
  • Many students are offered permanent positions upon graduation based on their co-op performance.
  • Work terms are completed as agreed upon; employers are not obligated beyond the prescribed terms.

Co-op students in engineering engage in meaningful work aligned with their majors, gaining confidence and making valuable contributions as they progress through the program.

  • Provides multiple employment rotations with the same employer.
  • One work rotation typically lasts between 12–16 weeks.
  • Employers offer anywhere from 2–5 work rotations to a co-op student and rotation may be consecutive or alternate with the university’s academic terms.
  • Students work full-time.
  • Paid experience.
  • Students may earn academic credit with the university.
  • Includes a “learning agenda” with some combination of objectives, observation, reflection, evaluation, and assessment.
  • Balances the student intern’s learning goals and the specific work an organization needs to accomplish.

  • Prescreen ambitious and enthusiastic students who excel with challenges.
  • Evaluate temporary employees before offering permanent positions.
  • Introduce new ideas and methods.
  • Access an excellent source of short-term employees.
  • Train employees in your specific methods and processes.
  • Enhance visibility on the UT campus.
  • Participate in the educational process.
  • Improve the engineering profession through early work experience.
  • Increase opportunities for technology transfer.