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Brooke Davidson

Brooke DavidsonOur student this week is Brooke E. Davidson, a mechanical engineering major who accepted a co-op at BMW Manufacturing Company, LLC, located in Greer, South Carolina. Davidson describes the department she worked in and what her main responsibilities were.

“I worked in TS-532 Electronics Validation,” she said. “Within that department I was part of the EF team which is responsible for all operations related Chassis. I had many projects throughout the semester. In one project I worked on a product quality management point where I was responsible for finding the root cause to a hardware problem that was here in the plant. Throughout this process I was able to better my problem solving skills and work on communication with other departments. Others projects I had included steering wheel vibration and tire room inventory and processes. The steering wheel vibration project taught me how to properly evaluate a car and also more about how a car is put together. The tire room inventory yet again bettered my problem solving skills.”

The most valuable benefit Davidson received during her co-op assignment was in learning what a professional engineer does and what is expected in the work world.

“It has given me a real life experience to compare with classes,” said Davidson. “This experience has improved my communication and problem solving skills so that I may be more confident in the future.”