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Chris Kelly

Chris KellyChris Kelly, a mechanical engineering major who accepted a co-op at Norfolk Southern located in Norfolk, Virginia. Kelly described the department he worked in and what his main responsibilities were.

“I worked in the mechanical department,” he said. “My responsibilities included anything that was problem solving related. I was tasked with making things more ergonomic, efficient, and effective.”

A challenge that Kelly had to overcome on this assignment was being tasked with nearly ten projects at one time.

“After a few days of struggling, I learned to be better organized and to manage time wisely,” Kelly said. “I created an Excel spreadsheet with the current projects listed by priority. I also learned how to effectively update supervisors with the progress of each project.”

While on assignment, Kelly observed, “In any co-op position, it is up to the individual how much knowledge and experience is gained. The co-op must have the burning desire to learn and the initiative to seek learning experiences. Therefore, my most valuable benefit received during this co-op assignment was how to take the initiative and go after what I seek in a job opportunity.”