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Christopher Dias

Christopher DiasThis week’s featured student is Christopher Dias, a mechanical engineering student, from Cookeville, Tennessee, who did a co-op rotation with Southern Company in Cartersville, Georgia.

Dias worked in the engineering department at one of the largest coal fired power plants in North America. As a plant engineer, he gained valuable project management experience, applied knowledge learned in school to solve problems around the plant, and built strong relationships. He was head of a team in an investigation to air flow issues in and around the furnace, ran a coal pipe replacement project over the course of two months, and participated in various inspections throughout his work term.

He also received training in multiple software packages, various company policies, and presentation skills. Most of this was in a classroom setting, which was very beneficial. However, “training” is a broader topic than classrooms and chalkboards; some of the most valuable training I received was on the job, learning from the veterans about every aspect of the plant.

A challenge Dias faced was learning to effectively communicate, which was a struggle. When you’re working with someone, unless you tell them what you’re doing and how you’re doing it—nothing will get done. Using face to face communication is also key for a successful working environment.