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Danny Vo

Danny Vo

The featured student this week is Danny Vo, a chemical & biomolecular engineering major who worked as a co-op student at what was a DuPont facility and is now a Chemours facility in New Johnsonville, Tennessee.

In reporting on his second rotation, Danny worked in the research and development group at New Johnsonville Chemours Titanium Technologies. His focus was to start up and run a pilot facility, optimizing its process and analyzing the data associated with the process flow. He was also trained on new lab technologies and how to incorporate them into his project.

The most valuable benefit received was insight. This co-op opportunity gave him incredible insight into what his degree means and what it can lead to for the future. Not only that, but chemical engineering has a broad spectrum of applications. If he decides that manufacturing isn’t something he wants to do, he can go into pharmaceuticals, research, or food industry, etc. It’s a very versatile major.