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Elizabeth Fowler

Elizabeth FowlerThe featured student this week is Elizabeth Fowler, a mechanical engineering student from Franklin, Tennessee, who worked as a co-op student at The Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan.

Fowler specifically worked as Production Engineering co-op for the Ion Exchange, Anion Plant. As a Production Engineer, her main goal was to understand what a production engineer does from day to day. When first arriving at Anion, they were going through a shutdown. This was a great opportunity for Fowler to see the insides of vessels and learn about what happens during a shutdown.

Fowler’s projects mainly revolved around environmental issues. Her main responsibilities were updating the flow of organic materials going to the waste water plant, finding where the most delays happen in the process, and to constantly learn.

“Co-oping with Dow gave me a wide range of experiences in my field,” Fowler said of her experience. “It also helped me discover my strengths and my interests for my career, while allowing me to contribute real value to the company. I am now ready to hit the ground running when I start my first job.”