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Kristina King

Kristina KingThis week’s featured student is Kristina King, a civil and environmental engineering major from Telford, Tennessee, who worked as an intern student for Federal Highway Association-Eastern Federal Lands.

She spent most of her time working on the missing link of the Foothills Parkway in Townsend, Tennessee. She also did inspections of ongoing construction projects to ensure that the as-built matched the drawings from the design division and kept and inspector’s daily report that detailed each day’s events, the materials and equipment used, and the number of employees working. Outside of the field work, she maintained a concrete placement log with information regarding slump, air content, and temperature.

King learned many new technical skills such as reading plans, concrete testing, native plant revegetation, and general construction site activities. The most valuable benefit she took away from this experience was a new knowledge of how diverse civil engineering is and how much of every aspect is represented in one single project.