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Diallo, Aissata

Aissata Diallo

  • Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Company: SABIC
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • E-mail:


I participated in a co-op program with SABIC, an international chemical manufacturing company known for its work in petrochemicals, chemicals, industrial polymers, fertilizers, and metals. I completed three rotations at the Mt. Vernon, IN site with my first rotation being in site infrastructure. Many of my projects in this role introduced me to new technology and methods and their applications. I was able to work on a valve automation project and remote pump start-up project. These projects focused on increasing safety measures for the site infrastructure team. For my second and third rotations, I completed a double term in the BPA unit. I was able to work on more involved projects, like upgrading the seals on a nitrogen compressor and reinstalling it, and updating the bill of materials for major equipment. These projects allowed me to work with vendors, interact with team members on varying levels, and fortify my communicative and collaborative skills. I also served as presentation chair during my second rotation – a leadership role I really enjoyed.              

I decided to co-op because I knew it would be a great opportunity to gain experience in chemical engineering. After speaking with some of the ambassadors my sophomore year, I knew the onsite experience would be indispensable to my career. The real-world experience would soon validate me as a student in the field I was pursuing and allow me to gain confidence in my choice to begin a chemical engineering career.              

During my time on co-op, my biggest lesson was learning how to be resourceful. I learned that being proactive in gaining knowledge and in utilizing the information and experts around me really went a long way. At times, I did have to step out of my comfort zone, but the experiences, as a result, were wonderful.      

Participating in co-op program gave me the opportunity to bridge some of the theories I had learned in my course work with tangible experiences from my co-op. This really allowed me to paint a picture mentally of what I was learning in my academics, which was so helpful! Professionally, participating in a co-op encouraged me to form meaningful connections with other students and expand my professional network! I still keep in touch with my mentors and other students from my co-op experience.   

Co-op programs are truly an invaluable experience. It is an entirely different world from the small bubble college classes create. I highly encourage anyone looking to work in the industry post-graduation to take part in a co-op program at some point during his/her academic experience. You will learn and gain exposure to so many things that college cannot show you or teach you, and the connections that you make throughout the experience make it that much sweeter.    

In my free time, I love to read, travel, paint, and make arts & crafts. My favorite book series is The Lunar Chronicles, and arts & crafts and painting are so relaxing and fun after a long day!

Diallo, Aissata

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