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Greer, Andrew

Andrew Greer

  • Major: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Company: Eastman
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • E-mail:


I worked for Eastman Chemical Company located in Kingsport, TN. They are a Specialty Chemical company with many applications, most notably their new recycled content products. I had the opportunity to work in their Capital Procurement, Process Analytics, and Process Improvement groups during my 3 terms. I was able to assist in the procurement of building materials and contractor selection for new plant growth during my first term. I designed and helped code a new dashboard tool for the process control labs. In my final term I was responsible for several area safety projects and a piping reconfiguration to promote improved pump reliability.        

Co-oping with this company was particularly important to me because it provided me the opportunity to view this company from many diverse areas. This helped me define the type of engineer I wanted to be and learn what work I was most passionate about.     

My biggest achievement I had on assignment was probably a successful RFP that I executed during my first term. A coworker had left the company and my supervisor turned the project over to me. I was able to steer this project back on-time, develop a pricing structure that mitigated risk during a time of high inflation, and successfully select a contractor for the job.              

I think what the best part of co-op has been the fact that it has exposed my weaknesses professionally. The benefit to this has been that I can continue to develop my skills and be a more well-rounded engineer when I graduate by focusing on those skills in an academic setting.

Going on co-op and experiencing life in industry has allowed me to forge professional relationships and find mentors that care about my success. These people still pour into me today and allow me to continue my growth beyond the classroom.          

If I am not here, I love to be outdoors doing anything and enjoying God's creation. I am also a big homebody and love spending time with friends and family.              

I have a passion to help others grow and succeed, so please feel free to reach out to me! I will help you in any way that I can.

Greer, Andrew