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Caorline Sheridan headshot

Caroline Sheridan


My co-op experience was with ATA Engineering in San Diego, CA, and Denver, CO. I spent three semesters with this company while alternating between working and taking classes. ATA is an engineering consulting company that helps its customers by conducting analysis and tests of their designs. Additionally, they develop and sell their own software for use in the industry. While in this position, I had the opportunity to help with these endeavors.  My main role was to conduct finite element analysis (FEA) of aerospace vehicles such as rovers, landers, satellites, and rockets to determine when, where, and how the design will fail. In addition to this, I also assisted with the development of internal and commercialized analysis software tools. During my final term at ATA, I also assisted with planning, setting up, and running tests of prototype vehicles to verify analysis models and results. 

Accepting a co-op position has positively influenced both my college and professional journey. This immersive experience has not only refined my engineering skills but has also heavily contributed to my personal growth. While on co-op, I had the opportunity to learn how to use software such as NX and Femap while also gaining an understanding of FEA theory. Understanding why I was doing something and how it works has made me comprehend course content better while taking classes. While working, I collaborated with many engineers on various types of projects that covered many disciplines. Because of this, I was introduced to an array of analysis software and modeling techniques which has allowed me to become adaptable and able to pick up new skills quickly and efficiently. In addition to technical skills, I also sharpened professional skills such as networking, communication, and time management.

One of the biggest takeaways from my experience is gaining clarity on what I want out of my career. I was exposed to many technical areas within aerospace engineering such as thermal, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), structures, testing methodologies, and software development. Being in a multidisciplinary role as a student has allowed me to explore these areas and pursue the ones that capture my interest. Being introduced to many disciplines has made me a well-rounded engineer, while also building up my confidence along the way. Additionally, as a co-op, I was able to evaluate potential employers without immediate commitment which allowed me to explore the company culture and the work they do. 

Lastly, let me share a bit about myself. I’ve always enjoyed going outside and doing things like walking, hiking, and biking. In the winter I love to go skiing and go every chance I get. I also enjoy reading and going to the farmers market in Market Square.

Caorline Sheridan headshot