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Player, Darlene

Darlene Player

  • Major: Biosystems Engineering
  • Company: Signal Energy Constructors
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • E-mail:


Signal Energy Constructors is a renewable energy construction company specifically for solar and wind. I did three rotations in the pre-construction department. I took turns working within each group within the department (pre-sales, engineering, estimating, and procurement). This allowed me to see a project's entire process before breaking ground.               

I chose a co-op for multiple reasons; firstly, I wanted to get a taste of what working in the industry looks like so I could better judge if that is the way I wanted to go after graduation. The three consecutive rotations (spring, summer, and fall) allowed me to see how the company works through an entire year rather than just one of the company's quarters. Another reason was that I knew how invaluable a co-op would be when I started to apply for a full-time job after graduation. I would be ahead of the other applicants who did not have that experience on resumes.      

One lesson I learned is the importance of communication between your supervisors, managers, and your coworkers. Especially when you don't understand something, in my experience, those I worked with made it very clear that they would rather I ask the same question several times instead of not asking at all or only once. Also, speak with those around you about your performance. It will not only show that you care about what you are doing, but it allows you to improve and become a valuable asset to your company.          

I did not start in college as an engineer; I switched from another major in my second year. I enjoyed my engineering classes, and I thought I could be an engineer academically. However, I kept questioning if I could make it in the industry. My co-op allowed me to see if I was capable and solidified that I love being an engineer. Now I know I am capable of applying all of the things I have learned in college to the industry. This experience has given me the confidence I needed to know I could make it.       My advice to any other student thinking about a co-op is that not only would this give you the experience to be competitive in the Engineering Industry, but you also get paid for your co-op. I was able to pay for the large majority of my wedding last year through the money I made. I was able to pay my tuition out of pocket when I came back to college. Knowing that I did not have to take out any more college loans was a huge relief. Other students who decide to go on a co-op could be able to do the same.

My main past times are spending time with my dog, reading historical fiction novels, and working out. I also love to go skiing in the winter and kayaking in the summer when I can.               

Taking time off for a co-op can be scary and intimidating. But at the end of the day, the experience will only make you a better engineer and is well worth the time you take off. Just take the leap, and you will not regret it!

Player, Darlene