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Ryan Dent

Ryan Dent


I did my four co-op rotations with Shaw Industries in their Chatsworth, Dalton, and Ringold, Georgia, locations. For Shaw, flooring, specifically carpet is the primary product. During my four rotations in worked in both Trials as well as Research and Development.          

I decided to co-op because I wanted to see if an industry job is the route that I wanted to take for my career as well as get work experience if that was the path that I choose. I found that when working with automation that some operators are not a big fan because they fear job loss and that is when you have to talk with them and be reassuring that it is only to help them and the company. 

Being a co-op has made me become better by growing my communication skills.  Prior to co-op if I did not need to talk with someone I just would not bother to even say hi.  Through my coop I have found it crucial to build trusting relationships with as many people that I could because you never know who could help you one day.

To be able to get work experience before graduating sets you apart when interviewing with a company when other candidates could have no experience.  This allows you to have more things to draw from when answering questions.   

When I am not working or in class, I like to golf, workout, play sports, and video games.

Pro tip: If you decide to co-op be sure to prepare for interviews. Practice mock interviewing, prepare STAR format answers, and most importantly have confidence!

Ryan Dent