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Victoria Hall

Victoria Hall


I've experienced 2 co-op terms working under project managers at Brasfield & Gorrie, who is best known as a general contracting company. I've been able to work in their Raleigh, NC location where they're building a two story vertical expansion on an existing hospital and in their Nashville, TN location working on a wastewater treatment plant.    

I wanted to co-op to gain experience in the field and learn about what other job opportunities I may have within my major. I was super hesitant to even apply for a co-op position, but luckily for me I had a great friend who had co-op’d previously push me to do go and get a co-op and it was the best thing I could've done for myself to get an early start to my career.         

One of the best lessons I've learned during a co-op term is to never be afraid to ask questions! My co-op terms have shaped me into more of a well-rounded engineer. My experience pushed me to work harder in school to make the best grades to open up more opportunities for me. It also pushed me to learn how to be more professional because I wanted to obtain a job after graduation which usually requires a high level of professionalism.

Going on a co-op can be intimidating and you could love it or hate it, but wouldn't you like to know now before you start full time after graduation? I have never regretted my co-op terms. The experience and skills you gain is so valuable before finding your direction and starting your career.

I love to hike and camp with friends, hang out with family, and I really love to explore new places!

Pro-top: Don't let your GPA or resume hold you back from applying to co-op or internship opportunities, just do it!

Victoria Hall