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Tiffany Onwu

Tiffany OnwuThe featured student this week is Tiffany Onwu, a chemical engineering major, from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, who worked for DuPont (Chemours) in New Johnsonville, Tennessee.

Onwu specifically worked with the department that focused on the final product. Her projects included assisting with implementing and training of a new instrument that would be used to monitor the quality of the finalized product. Also, she was involved with a project that was used to improve the quality of the product by performing various laboratory tests and collecting data.

Her training consisted of instruments used to test for certain specifications on finalized products. She was able to learn new technical skills while on rotation as well on how to perform process capability; which displays the actual performance versus the customers’ specifications based on each quarter.

A challenge Onwu faced was being able to balance and manage her time between projects. This was easily solved with calendar scheduling and dedicating certain days to a project. She also learned that it helped to talk with her mentors frequently, which assisted her to prioritize various tasks. The most valuable benefit she received was to be open-minded when it comes to the different areas on site that you are considering working in, whether it’s in the lab or in the plant.