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All posts by Courtney Dyke

Learn about one of our TEN program participants, Knoxville Utilities Board, and the opportunities available to engineering students.

Industrial and systems engineering major Jacob Seals shares his internship and co-op experiences at DENSO, FedEX, and PepsiCo.

Mechanical engineering major Kaemon Nelson spent two summers atStrongwell, the leading manufacturer of polymer composites and structures.

Senior in industrial and systems engineering Lucienne Reinhard shares about her various co-op and internship opportunities.

Junior in industrial engineering Christopher Salazar shares his experience working a co-op for Tesla and how it impacted his career trajectory.

Undergraduate student Lillian McCloud shares her experience working a co-op with Frito-Lay, enhancing her industrial engineering education.

Senior Biomedical Engineering student Logan Goodbred shares his time working at Siemens Healthineers on the Biograph Trinion PET/CT scanner.

Society of Women in Engineering President Isha Bhandari shares her experience doing a co-op with Dell Technologies.

Learn all about Engineering Professional Practice’s newest coordinator, Ronni Keene, and how she will contribute to student development.

Undergraduate student Blake Zegiestowsky shares his experience as one of the first engineering interns with Hennessey Performance.